The summer schools organised since 2018 have been led by the teams of international and local architects and designers, landscape specialists, artists, theorists and invited professionals: architect and designer DIDZIS JAUNZEMS, architects KĀRLIS MELZOBS, ARNITA MELZOBA, landscape architect, designer AIGARS LAUZIS, set designer and carpenter RUDOLF BEKIČ (Latvia, Austria), architects RALF LÕOKE, SILLE PIHLAK from Estonia, architect and printmaker MALGORZATA MARIA OLCHOWSKA (based in Belgium), architect and furniture designer YORK BING OH (based in Belgium), artist ANDRIS EGLĪTIS, Estonian architects LAURA LINSI, ROLAND REEMAA, theatre director and set designer REINIS SUHANOVS, architect, teacher and researcher KRISTA ZVIRGZDA-ZVIRGZDIŅA, architect JONAS NORDGREN, architect and urban planner MĀRIS BĀRDIŅŠ, designer and professor ACHIM HACK, architect DINA SUHANOVA, architect NIKLĀVS PAEGLE, architect, lecturer and RISEBA FAD dean RUDOLFS DAINIS ŠMITS.

The Summer School in 2025 will be led by experienced and professional tutors from the Italian-based internationally operating non-profit collective organisation CAMPOSAZ that promotes self-building, craftsmanship and designing with wood.

Intense workshops will be accompanied by inspiring lectures from architect Niklāvs Paegle (ĒTER), architect Rudolfs Dainis Šmits (RISEBA), carpenter and set designer Rudolf Bekič, architect and researcher Dina Suhanova (LMA, LMDA).


Summer School FestivaL'and from 2018

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